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Sometimes you don’t know why you like an artist and the music he creates. This album, called “gone missing”, the followup to last years The Violet Hush cd (his forth full length), is no exception, it’ s just good music, great melodies, and i honestly can not say exactly why i like it. I don’t know if i have to, anyway.
I suppose it is because Johnny never gives up, he continues to put all his energy and time into these albums, and we know it will probably not happen anything “more”, not any worldwide recognition, any “superfame” we just have to enjoy the ride while it lasts, and it’s fine that way, the message has been sent, and also been recieved, it’ s in our heart, the songs have come into us as a whistle on the way to the bus, a humming in the supermarket and a silent reflexion in the sofa when the day is done. Nothing extraordinary, and yet so complicated and refreshing at the same time. A skilled musician with the best intentions. This is exquisite rockn’roll, something’s hidden here, iggy definately comes to my mind. A james, without the asheton’s. Just take your time and you’ll learn to appreciate it. Sweet memory. On “Gone missing”, again, the beauty is in the small details. For example, the ending part of “i’ll show you out”, when the minor comes in and changes the mood of the song, or in the intro to “gone missing” with the short extra quiet guitar-parts added to the background. details like that does it to me every time. You can tell that someone (Johnny and cowriters Chris Julian, Jeff O’Rourke, Ali Nikou and Peter Foldy), took the long time needed into deciding the final arrangements of these songs, nothing more, nothing less. Less is more means it won’t get boring.
Duane Lundy produced and there’s a lot of talent behind the scenes also this time (including the musicians involved, Justin Craig, Emily Hagihara and Brandon Judd). You might especially love the sounds of the drums on this english recording, and that could very probably be because they used the old set of master drummer Barriemore Barlow (used on the classical Thick as a Brick-album!). Nashville’s Johnny Bennett sings great, even better this time if you ask me. You can feel it’s authentic music, hungry but not weird, made for us, made with the purpose to make you feel better. Not to promote a new cellphone or a lipstick.
A mature record, i think i will keep it to myself though, you know the feeling. With artists like this, let it be our little secret in a world full of spotify-lists, cheap paté, and bestselling records served on a petrol station.