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The World’s On Fire, folks. All because of Johnny B…There are those timeless artists that just become part of your fiber. Whether or not you have them in your collection, they are in you by default. Think Dylan, Springsteen, Iggy, Elvis (Costello AND the King), The Stones, Zeppelin, Skynyrd. Well, Johnny Bennett - a former LA gentleman who now lives in Nashville - evokes that timelessness. He’s been around, seen & done a lot, survived a lot, loved a lot - and his music, lyrics, & passion all reflect it. This is a thinking persons rock-n-roller. Lyrically, he’s as tenacious as a poet - not one of those musicians who’s words are like a cold side dish to the chords & drums. He’s soulful, a storyteller, emotional - & the music & lyrics team like a clean white T & a pair of jeans. It’s what makes blues rock different from just rock. (Besides dat twang!) It underlies all of his songs, the blues…from “Sister Pharmaceutical”, who’s open reminds one of “House of the Rising Sun”, yet quickly turns to a hard pop/rock groove. (Kings of Leon, The Strokes). As he wails, (in perfect pitch I might add), “well she kisses just like alcohol, I go spinnin’ baby not a word at all” , you’re taken through the 70’s, 80’s , 90’s & now. Again - timeless…
Being a Southern gal myself, I’m partial to anything that hoots & hollers & sounds a little spooky & naughty. And twangs. Nothing sexier than a twang & a squeal from some GEET-ar strangs! The most powerful track on The Violet Hush is “World on Fire”. It’s getting a lot of radio play, as it should. Remember Charlie Daniel’s Band? Takes you right there. And Johnny’s live performance of it would make Joe Cocker proud. It’s at once hard & sensual. And political. “From Christians to the New Islam, From Jews & how y’all fight for God, from Holy Land to Holy Shit, Believe me they won’t ever quit”. Again - the thinking man’s rock-n-roller…
There’s a saying for all artists that technique without emotion is boring, & that emotion without technique is embarrassing. A lot of musicians miss. Especially live. Johnny & his band are seasoned. Tight. Like seeing Steely Dan live. But even more impressive still is that they can go effortlessly from the foot stompin’ fist pumpin’ “World on Fire” to beautiful meaningful ballads like “Sailboat” & “Why Are You So Happy?” Very Radiohead. (And might I add, Johnny B’s vocals are matched beautifully by his skill on acoustic guitar.)